2018. február 27., kedd

Body-building workout with DXN Ganoderma coffee weights (funny training ...

Weight-training 2.0

Who said weights need to be made from iron and steel? 

(Funny bodybuilding video 2018)

Checking my biceps, I came to the realization that I gotta pack on some muscle. At least this is what my crazy bodybuilding video suggests. In reality my main concern is reducing my belly fat and the size of my belly. It is a work in progress, but of course not the way I present working-out in my vid. It made be tired a bit, by the way, so if I did this kinda training regularly, results would show definitely. 

The ’weights’ I use are definitely healthy and delicious, mainly because of Ganoderma medicinal mushroom. 

Find out some more about my current philosophy of workouts in the gym, at home and own bodyweight calisthenics training in the description of my video on YouTube. A bit more serious thoughts than the video content suggests.

2018. február 25., vasárnap

Kibontom 2018 első DXN termékcsomagját (Ganodermás szappan, ganodermás r...

Mit rejt a doboz? 2018 első DXN termékei

Rövid otthoni videóm 2018 januárjának első DXN termékcsomag-bontásáról

Januarjat 2018, Igy Az Ujevet Is DXN Termekekkel Kezdtem. Rendeltem Ganoderma Kivonat, Pecsetviaszgombas Szappan, Noni-Le, Ganodermas Rizsecet, Gombaskave, Ganodermas Kakao, Lugosito Csokiskave, Ganodermas-Kakaoskavet, Csak Hogy Az Izelmeny A Csucson Legyen! :)

Ganodermás kakaós kávé készítése (DXN Zhi Mocha Megapack termékvideó 2018)

DXN Zhi Mocha Ganodermás kakaós kávé készítése

Életem szerelme: kakaós ganodermakávé

A DXN Zhi Mocha egy lúgosító egészségeskávé-különlegesség Ganoderma gyógygomba kivonattal. 1 kg-os Megapack változatban is kapható. Megmutatom, hogyan készítem el ezt a DXN kávét 2018 elején.

2018. február 24., szombat

Unboxing my first DXN products package in 2018: noni juice, ganoderma ri...

Unboxing my first DXN products package in 2018

What'S In My DXN Box? 

Showing My First DXN Products Order In 2018

I Have Some Very Tasty And Healthy Ganoderma Products In My Big Box That Arrived In January 2018. 

In My Video I Show You Reishi Extract, Ganozhi Soap, Pineapple Enzyme Drink With Cordyceps , noni juice, ganoderma rice vinegar, Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1, Lingzhi cocoa, alkaline mocha-coffee

Making chocolate coffee with Ganoderma (DXN Zhi Mocha Megapack first per...

The love my life: ganoderma cocoa coffee 

DXN Zhi Mocha is an alkaline healthy coffee specialty with Ganoderma medicinal mushroom extract. It comes in a 1 kg Megapack version as well. I will show you how I make make this the beginning of 2018.

2018. február 11., vasárnap

Duolingo angol-magyar fa teljesítve (mellékhatás: bagolyfejem nőtt, 2018 otthoni videó)

Bár bagolycsőr lefagy télen, Duolingo fám mégis készen :)

(angol-magyar nyelvtanfolyam kipipálva)

Kész 2018-as legújabb Duolingo nyelvtanfolyamom, az angol-magyar

Duolingo-n a angol-magyar tanfolyam volt a következő ,,nyelvi-fa”, amelyet 2018 februárjában befejeztem. Hullt a hó (és hózik-zik-zik) és nagyon hideg volt, ezért én azt mondom, nagyszerű tevékenység otthon nyelveket tanulni, amikor az ember nem engedheti meg magának, hogy például snowboardozni és síelni menjen. Lehet helyette kutyát sétáltatni, például. Teli sportok ide vagy oda, azért mondanom sem kell, hogy az otthoni edzés elengedhetetlen, ha formába akarsz kerülni, és  pár kilogrammot leadni, mint én.

Mit jelent a Duolingó angol-magyar ,,nyelvi-fa"?

A ,,nyelvi-fa” elnevezés a tanfolyam szerkezetéből adódik, ami egy kis képzelőerővel egy fára hasonlít. Ezeket be is mutatom a tabletemen a videókban.

Az angol-magyar Duolingo nyelvi-fa valójában egy ,,fordított-fa” számomra. Anyanyelvként az angolt állítottam be, és a magyar nyelvtanfolyamot végeztem el, ami valójában az anyanyelvem.

Kiváló ötlet volt ezt az aranyos kis baglyot választani a Duolingo logójához, jelképéhez.
Duo bagoly gratulál nekem az angol-magyar tanfolyamom végén. 

Milyen előnyei vannak a Duolingo fordított-fáknak?

Érdekesnek és hatékonynak találom, hogy a Duolingo-n egy adott nyelven mind a rendes, mind a fordított-fákat végigvigyem. Egyes szavak és mondatok eltérhetnek azoktól, amelyeket az első nyelvtanfolyamon tanultam. A hátsó fák is izgalmasabbá teszik a tanulást, ezért javasolhatom, hogy törekedjen arra, hogy befejezze a Duolingo fordított fákat azokhoz, akik könnyen unatkoznak. Ráadásul a fordított fák szerkezete, a témák és azok sorrendje is sokszor többé-kevésbé eltér a ,,normál” nyelvi-fáétól.

 Hatékony a Duolingo-val való nyelvtanulás?

A magyar nyelv nagyon nehéz, sok javaslatot tettem a szövegrend javítására például. Ami a hatékonyságot illeti, úgy gondolom, hogy a Duolingo nagyszerű alapot nyújt a magyar nyelvet újonnan tanulóknak, de a sok ragozás miatt, úgy gondolom, hogy néhány évig bizony gyakorolni kell,
ha valaki folyékonyan akar beszélni. Lehet persze, hogy ennél kevesebb időre lesz szükséged, ha idejössz Magyarországra és egyből ,,beugrasz a mélyvízbe”, ami az idegen nyelvi környezetet jelenti. Lehet, hogy valaki megcáfolja ezt, de úgy gondolom, hogy a spanyol van olyan nehéz, mint a magyar, legalább is nyelvtanilag, amennyire az eddigi tapasztalatomat illeti.

Motivál a Duolingo a nyelvtanulásban?

Igen, engem kifejezetten motivál a Duolingo arra, hogy naponta legalább egy órát eltöltsek vele. (Többet is tanulnék, de ugy ott van a mindenki által jól ismert mókuskerék…)

A Duolingo nyelvtanfolyamait, az egész elrendezését és rendszert nagyon motiválónak és jól megtervezettnek találom. Teljesen felhasználóbarátnak tartom. A fejlődés mérése és a szép grafikák nagyon motiválóak számomra és ezzel az általam megkérdezettek is egyetértenek. Ami mérhető, az javítható és fejleszthető.

Van-e negatív tapasztalatom a Duolingo-val?

Nekem nincs negatív Duolingo-s tapasztalatom, noha néhány mellékhatást érézkeltem magamon. Amikor naponta 330 XP-t csináltam, bagolyfejem nőtt, ha-ha-ha! Ami még rosszabb, a helyzet addig fajult, hogy még bagoly-testem is nőtt, szóval már össze is keverhetnek Duo-bagolyjal, kivéve, hogy ő cukibb, mint én, hah-hah!

A Duolingo-káros mellékhatása: bagolyfejem és bagolytestem nőtt! (vicces fotó Duolingo 2018)
Bagolytestem nőtt a sok Duolingo-zástól! :D

Oké, csak viccelek. Nincs semmi negatív tapasztalatom és nem tapasztalt semmilyen mellékhatást sem a Duolingo-val való nyelvtanulás közben, függetlenül a napi adagtól. A Duolingo azonban addiktív lehet, mégpedig pozitív értelemben: nagyon tetszik nekem, és egy napot sem hagynék ki anélkül, hogy csiszolgatnám nyelvtudásomat. Jelenleg folyamatosan tanulok a Duolingóval már 700 napja németül, spanyolul és oroszul, kombinálva ezeket a nyelveket az angollal és magyarral és egymással is, a létező összes módon, amit a Duolingo lehetővé tesz, beleértve a ,,fordított nyelvi-fákat” is.

Melyek a Duolingo angol-magyar nyelvtanfolyam témái?

Épp most jöttem rá, hogy ez a kurzus körülbelül a magyar-angol fa méretének a fele. Talán azért, mert ez egy béta verzió, amint azt a nyelvfa elején láthatjuk.

A Duolingo angol-magyar nyelvtanfolyam témái a következők:

Basic 1
Basic 2
Places 1
Verbs 1: Present simple
Accusative 1
Plurals and Accusative 1
Plurals and Accusative 2
Adjectives 1
Verbs 2 Present Plural
Definite conjugation
Pronominal Objects
Choices 1
Numbers 1
Inessive Case
Superessive Case
Adessive Case
Choices 2
Illative Case 1
Sublative Case 1
Allative Case 1
Illative Case 2
Sublative Case 2
Allative Case 2
Geography 1
Choices 3
Directional Postpositions
Adjectives 2
Preverbs 2
Elative Case
Delative Case
Ablative Case
Choices 4
Directional Postpositions 2
Places 2
Directional Conjunction 1
Directional Conjunction 2
Directional Conjunction 3
Adjective Conjunction
Adverbs 1
Possessives 1
To have 1
Possessives 2
To have 2
Choices 5
Adverbial Possessives
Body Parts
Ablative Postpositional Pronouns
Adessive Postpositional Pronouns
Allative Postpositional Pronouns
Pronouns of Source
Pronouns of Position
Pronouns of Goal
Plural possessions
Choices 6
Past tense 1
Linking words
Past tense 2
Accusative Numerals
Choices 7
Possession Object

2018. február 10., szombat

Ganoderma rice vinegar tasting and my road to weight control and fitness

Getting mad from getting fat:
How I decided to lose weight and reshape my body

How I changed my eating habits and my way of working out

Note: For my workout description and principles and my experience with DXN Vinaigrette Ganoderma medicinal mushroom extract rice vinegar, please read my YouTube video description. I do not dare to plagirize an duplicate even my own content, as I want Google to be the good friend of mine as it is right now. :)

Ganoderma rice vinegar is very strong, check out my face in this video when I find it out, LOL:

From small 6-pack beer-cans to a big 1-pack beer-barrel? No way!

Having big muscles and big belly at the same time isn't esthetic for me. Sorry, Homer! :)

My arms might be okay, but without the extras, like a Homer-Simpson-like belly and some additional fat here and there...
The Last Perfect Man...
What you see every day might become your reality,..
Maybe I should not sleep in this warm and funny polar blanket with Homer Simpson on it?.... Visualization FTW!

Age is nothing but a number...just like kilograms...D'oh!

I have been over 21 for a while  – exactly 20 years, LOL – so I slowly, but steadily had to accept the fact of not being able to eat like a pig without any visible disgusting side effects: growing flabs on my formerly cube-like abs. In Hungarian we say cube-belly, which is the same as a six-pack in English. I did not want to let the situation degenerate to a point when instead of 6 hard little cubes of muscle there would be one soft cube of lard on my belly, so I have always been training throughout my life. You would not want to exchange your 6-pack small-beer-can abdominal muscles you worked so hard for for a 1-pack of beer-barrel belly fat, right?

One can be fat and happy, but it is not me. I choose not to look like Homer Simpson.
Is belly fat good agains shark-attacks? Well, it works for Homer Simpson for sure, ha-ha!

Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way that no matter how much – or, how little – I trained, I could totally demolish the results in days, or, in the worst case, not even let any results be visible at all. I also started to grow a bigger belly from the larger amount of food I consumed, which is unacceptable for the norm I have in mind of a good-looking male body.

Say good-bye to bad habits to be able to say good-bye to fat

Whether I like it or not, I had to find peace in not engaging in some guilty habits of mine anymore. These include sever overfeeding on chocolate, ice cream, waffels and cookies – many times waking up at night to indulge in sugar-coma. I could eat about 3 bars of chocolate a day when I was in my late teens and early 20’s, but not any more. Maybe those ’golden years’ of enjoying a lot of sweets paved the way to put on weight easily and lose it hard after becoming 30 years old.

Having fatty jelly-belly? Get in shape, Homer!
Coffee's okay, but belly? No way!

Bad habit number 1. : Getting up at night to eat sweets

I promised myself about 3 times during years not to go out to the kitchen and eat – at least not sweets – when I wake up at night, but, after even a long while I became a sinner again. The thing with chocolate is, that when I do not eat it for a while, I do not even miss it, not to speak of its negative effect on my weight. But I know myself good enough to know that if I restrict myself in a very ascetic way, I will start to rebel sooner or later, so I left a small door open: I substitute chocolate and all its companions with DXN Cocozhi, and even allow myself to drink a mug of it before going to sleep. It is better than waking up to drink it, right? Speaking of Cocozhi, it is a healthy cocoa enriched with Lingzhi mushroom extract, but it still contains sugar, and even though it is cane sugar, it is still sugar, so I have to be careful with it too. But it is still a better option to drink it late at night when I still sit in front of my PC than to get up at 2 A.M. and eat a whole bar – 100 gramms – of chocolate!

Video about Ganoderma medicinal mushroom cocoa, my way of cheating with sweets:

How to prevent getting up to eat?

It is even better not to have sweets around at all. Okay, I recently got up to eat bananas (and popcorn, but on a different day – do not do this!), but it is still better than the sugar-bombs, you bet!

Lego Homer Simson figure with TV remote control and doughnut
Hmmm...donuts...:) Sure, I also love watching movies while eating. I pay attention not to eat as much sweets, especially in the evening.

Rather have a late dinner than wake up to eat

I think it is better to have a very late dinner that satisfies my craving and hunger than going to sleep on an empty stomach just to be tempted to get up and pull the fridge on myself. Sure, not healthy, but still better. I am not the one who could, or rather, would want to restrict myself not to eat after 6 P.M. What if I am hungry? I would be very irritable not being able to eat just because someone says it is not healthy after 6 P.M. Sure, if you don’t eat, you don’t have to worry about putting on weight, but please try it with my agenda of daily 3 dogwalks on a mountain bike, the last one taking place after 10 P.M.! Unfortunately my body is pretty messed up from this all-year(s)-round daily routine. Nowadays I gotta get a few hours of sleep after before 10 P.M., having to wake up to my freaking cellphone alarm, going to the kitchen to make a DXN Zhi Mocha to be able to literallly walk on my feet. I put the leashes and muzzles on my dogs and head out to the dark night, with all senses clear, because it is a huge responsibility to walk 3 dogs in a neighbourhood that has many unbehaved canines with mostly good-willed, but non-packleader-type dog-parents (I hate the word: dog-owner). No mistakes allowed, man!

Video about how I ride my bike with my three dogs as a must every day:

Bad habit number 2. : Forgetting to drink enough water.

Hydrate: start the morning with drinkint water (especially with DXN coffee in it)

After 2 days of drinking about a liter of water after getting up – not forgetting my healthy coffee, of course – I sensed that my belly size dropped a bit (I train too, but this is not the point now) and I felt better. Headaches can also be avoided with frequent water drinking. I know it has been all sad before everywhere, but drinking a lot of water is good for too. I avoid drinking that much at a time to press out my guts. I sure as hell don’t wanna look like Homer Simpson, even though (D’oh!) I love that guy, he is funny. :)

Homer Simpson loves coffee, he is a funny fat dude.
Be funny as Homer, but be fitter than him! ;)

How not to forget to drink water?

Put a waterbottle near you all the time

It is also very easy for me to forget to drink water (not Ganoderma coffee, I never forget that) at work, so having a bottle of water in my eyesight helps to keep this in check too.

Bad habit number 3. : Starting the day on an empty stomach

Do not omit breakfast!

Have something to eat in an hour after getting up. I am really not the type who can have breakfast early, even though I had strong urges to get up early at dawn to eat. (Yeah, using past tense here is intentional: I write down what I wanna achieve and I am on a good road to getting there.)

I am recently reading The Four-hour body by Tim Ferris, and I really love and adopt some of his ideas. He says that with an early breakfast - especially a high protein one which I achieve with DXN Spirulina – the chance of pushing out the last meal of the day to a late point at night gets lower. In other words: the proportion of meals is better distributed throughout the day. He also writes about many other benefits with food absorption and many, often scientific facts, that also can be omitted for those who are only interested in the practical advices, but I am not getting too much in depth with the book’s ’Geeks Advantage’ sections, which are also great, having read into them.

Spirulina is tiny and one of the most nutritious healthfoods, Let me show it to you in this video:

Not omitting breakfast also gives you energy, and, speaking for myself, more patience for my dogs, for driving and, the worst of all: teaching kids at school, LOL!

If you can really hardly push any food down your throat so early, I suggest Spirulina, as it is very small and a it is Mother Nature’s alkaline superfood: a nutrient-bomb.

I prefer doing sports very early in the morning and I like to do it on an empty stomach, because I feel discomfort moving if I have any food in my belly, but just some small dose of the right food will not hurt.

I do not want to enter into any more details about nutrition here, because I am not an expert in the topic. I just wanted to share some of my experiences. The book that changed my way of eating and thinking was from Eric Marcus: Vegan: the New Ethics of Eating. I even wrote my university thesis based on Eric’s work.

Wanna look tough? Then don't just look tough, get in shape, man! :D

Flexing my arm-muscles but covered my fat belly with a Homer Simpson-polar blanket, hah-hah!
Much to train, I have... (Also much fat to lose), you are right, Master Yoda, LOL!