2017. május 18., csütörtök

DXN Spica Tea: infection preventing self-heal herbal tea with Ganoderma

DXN Spica Tea against inflammations
and viruses

Herval mixture of Ganoderma, Prunella, Liquorice, Mint, Mandarine peel

This herbal mixture contains
self-heal, mint, mandarine peel, liquorice and last but not least in my opinion
the most precious of all: Ganoderma lucidum, also known as the Mushroom of
Immortality. Spica or sel-heal in latin is called Prunella vulgaris. It can be
translated from my language, Hungarian as ’common lizzardgrass’. It is used in
ancient ways of Traditional Chinese medicine to reduce body heat and to fight
inflammation and diseases as it has anti-viral effect.

I follow the advice of Chinese
doctors and drink it as follows: I boild DXN Spica Tea for about 5 minutes. The
manual on the package says 3-6 minutes. I drink it without any lemon or sugar
because its acitve-substance effect is better this way.

There is a top secret way I use
the herb content of the boiled filter of this spica-ganoderma tea: I feed it to
my dogs! I was surprised when they showed excitement smelling it, so I tried to
feed them and they licked it off my palm like honey! :) But talk is cheap,
watch my video for my and my dogs’ DXN product experience :)

How do I prepare DXN Spica Tea? Check
it out in my home video: