2017. augusztus 5., szombat

Apartment-dog dad and coffee MLM business hated by most people: why DXN?

How can freedom be achieved with 3 apartment-dogs?

My motivation in DXN online healthy coffee MLM biz

Freedom can only achieved for me and my pack with a family house

Freedom with apartment-dogs can only be achieved if I change their ’status’ to family house-dogs. There is only one tiny little thing needed for that: a family house! LOL!

Okay, but seriously, having to adjust my every day all-day life and agenda to the daily 3 dog walks is not a picnic. So the above mentioned family house with a garden motivates me to work after coming home from my job as an English teacher. I work online with DXN Ganoderma healthy coffee business. Is this comfortably, from my room done business capable to provide me with the financial means to purchase my dream house? No doubt, yes, of course!

Dream on

"Dream on, little queen!" - we have a Hungarian song like this and we tell this when someone wants something we think is out of his reach. Or rather: Dream on CoffeeKing?

I'm dreaming too, but not just so that my hands hang in the chamber pot. ( We say this when someone in our opinion has a dream too big to come true.) What do you need for a family house?
Lots of money. What do you need for a beautiful, modern family house? A whole lotta of money. What do you need for a beautiful, modern, modern lakeshore house at Balaton? Very, very much money, a fortune! But how do I earn this? Here is the solution I found that is right for me: mushroom coffee!

How can I earn this much moneyfor my Balaton-shore house? 

I looked around, counted, divided, multiplied my salary I get as an English teacher. I also understood how much pension I will not receive and for my non-existent pension is still should be working for approx. 30 years. I had to change something, because from the money I get now I could not move to the Balaton, but I would not even be able to buy an apartment I live in now until retirement age. 

To put it clearly: I have to change my position as a teacher if I want to advance in my life in accordance with my goals. At this point, it was handed a great deal of luck: a colleague  - now my DXN sponsor – has introduced my to a particularly  tasty coffee which has fixed my high blood pressure problem and my stomach is not burning from it. 

What did I find attractive in DXN business?

What was very attractive to me in Ganoderma coffee business of DXN is that it can be completely done online from home on the internet. Before DXN, I had an MLM attempt where I had walked a lot and had not been looking for such an opportunity. I see how ordinary people from all over the globe from all nationalities have achieved a much better standard of living with DXN networking. I do not want to get into numbers, but the point is, they could leave their work after a while because their passive income (which is like a very large early pension) from DXN coffee business was a multiple of their employee payment. But money is not the point but the fact that they are in control of their time! Not only do they do what they want but do not have to do something they do not want! 

"Ah, that's a scam, it does not exist even in a fairy tale!"

What MLM business can give as a reward sounds really incredible indeed. I also add that, by the way, they worked hard and fought for the money and freedom mentioned above. An average of four years is estimated by the time someone who does his job well in Network
Marketing - this is another name for that nasty MLM - reaches the level of making a decent living of his business. But that 4 years can prove to be rather a devil-of-a-job. 

Who would be such an idiot who would work for several years building his customer base barely seeing any benefit from it? All this for getting the carrot that I am using here in the carrot and stick approach in front of your nose: 

"You will be free, you will have a lot of money and if you do not want to, you do not have to actively build the business!"

But, hey, look here, it does work! One of the people whom it works very well is one of my colleagues who helps me whenever I ask. He is an existing, palpable, flesh-and-blood man, and neither he nor other colleagues living from their commissions from DXN lie. If they did this in DXN business, cheating people to make them buy a few boxes of coffee, it would not work on the long run. Neither would the company – DXN was founded in 1993 by dr. Lim - , nor the business model. 

Nevertheless, you still do not have to believe that there is such an opportunity to earn money, but I think that since I can not lose anything except for my spare time, I would not consider myself sane to let this opportunity pass me by. I did not have to either invest money or buy expensive starter packages, or had to order products every monthDXN healthy coffee business is totally free of any obligation and restraint.

Who are those who are not interested in coffee MLM?

I think only those do not grab this opportunity with the popular, easy-to-sell product (coffee), the business without investment and the marketing plan void of fallback, who like life as the way it is now. They are happy with their lives, because they have enough money and freetime for everything they want to do. If you are one of these lucky people, first let me congratulate you, second, I advise you by all means to try the coffee if, for nothing more, than just because of its remarkable taste even if you are in the best of health!

About what to do in DXN MLM, now I will not write. I have some experiences and writings about it and the business opportunity menu on my site and my 6-part business newsletter in a very understandable way. 

If something was moved in you by what I've written, carefully study it, write down your questions and I will be happy to answer them. :)

2017. augusztus 2., szerda

Why on earth would a BMX Flatland rider work in MLM business? My motivat...

What motivates me as a BMX Flatland rider in DXN Mushroom coffee MLM business?

Is there anything in common in Multi-level Marketing business and BMX Flatland bicycle sport?

Is there anything in common in Multi-level Marketing business and BMX Flatland bicycle sport?

What motivates me as a BMX Flatland rider in DXN Mushroom coffee MLM business?

In my opinion, the most important things similar in the by many non-popular MLM business and in the on the contrary very popular BMX Flatland are the following:

  • Both require enormous endurance
  • The beginning is very hard
  • At the beginning there is little success
  • The progress in the first few years may not be spectacular
  • At first one may be ridiculed and even considered stupid
  • The invested energy will be well-requited later on
  • Nothing can beat the feeling when something is done successfully

I think athletes have it in them and developed the traits during years that are all a huge advantage in Network Marketing.

Perseverance is a great feature that makes me think that athletes should work in DXN Ganoderma coffee networking business.

What motivates me personally as an athlete in online networking?

Free time. Leisure in all quantities and in much better quality.

I have 3 dogs and we live in a block of flats on Avas hill, Miskolc city, Hungary. This is a plus nuisance with compulsory daily walks that fill my daily life and limit my scope.

Of course, I still have to work, too. I'm an English teacher, which does not pay much, and means less and less time and more constraints.

What solution did I find to increase the quantity of my leisure time?

For me it's crystal clear that it is a family house with a garden.

I have to buy a family house with a garden so that my days will not depend on the intestinal function of my dogs. This may sound so rough, but it is necessary to "move" the dogs because they have to do their business. Because of my job, I always have to go down with them exactly at the same time. Even if the sky just starts to rain cats and dogs in that moment, when we step outta the staircase door and get soaking wet to the skin in 3 seconds. To boost the mood, this rain can be an ice cold November rain spiced with ice-cold wind.

So, a family house, from a teacher’s salary, eh?... I could just as well forget it. Yes, I could if I did not want to find a solution to my situation, I do not want just any small house, but a beautiful house on the shore of Lake Balaton, the Hungarian Sea. For an average Hungarian man just as I am, this my sound as a dream from which one wakes up with his arm dipped till the elbow in the full chamber pot.

Because a family house does not cost only a dime. But neither does a flat. I would not be able to spare money for this flat I live in, not even till I retire. However, a pension is a thing that many of us will not get, me included. If, however, I will, after a good 40-years-of-work, most people are so heavily worn out both nervously and physically that "Uncle State" does not have to pay the pension for a long time ... .

I will only be able to buy a house at Balaton if I take DXN business seriously. Without investing and with hard, persevering work this is possible with, for a while seemingly unprofessional results. In addition, some would say I am stupid too, but I know what I am working for and disregard anyone who talks crap.

"Someone's opinion of me does not have to become my reality" (Les Brown)

I think that I’d rather work hard for four years, and retire for a couple of times more than my salary, still young. Rather than retiring after being a slave for 40 years, for a fraction of my teacher's salary, sick and exhausted.

As you see, having complete control of my time and life is my motivation which can be achieved for me with a family house with a garden for me and my 3 dogs.

2017. augusztus 1., kedd

Hogy ,,vetemedhet" egy BMX Flatland-es arra, hogy kávés MLM üzlettel fog...

Mi motivál BMX Flatland-esként a DXN gombáskávés MLM üzletben?

Hasonlít valamiben a Multi-level Marketing üzlet és a BMX Flatland kerékpár sport?

Szerintem a legfontosabb dolgok, amikben a sokak által igencsak nem kedvelt MLM üzlet és az ellenben nagyon népszerű BMX Flatland hasonlít egymásra, azok a következők:

  • mindkettő hatalmas kitartást igényel
  • a kezdet nagyon nehéz
  • az elején kevés sikerrel jár
  • az első pár évben nem biztos, hogy látványos a fejlődés
  • kezdetben bizony lehet kinevetik, hülyének nézik az embert
  • a befektetett energia később busásan megtérül
  • semmihez sem fogható az érzés, mikor sikerül valami

Szerintem a sportolók magukban hordozzák, évek során kifejlesztették azon tulajdonságaikat, amik mind-mind hatalmas előnyt jelentenek a Network Marketing üzletben.

A kitartás egy olyan nagyszerű tulajdonság, ami miatt szerintem a sportolóknak érdemes a DXN Ganoderma kávés hálózatépítő üzlettel foglalkozniuk.

Mi motivál engem személy szerint sportolóként az online hálózatépítésben?

A szabadidő. Szabadidő minden mennyiségben és sokkal jobb minőségben. 

Van 3 kutyám, akikkel az avasi lakótelepen egy lakásban lakunk. Ez egy plusz nyűg a kötelező napi séták miatt, amik betáblázzák a mindennapjaimat és lekorlátozzák a mozgásteremet. 

Mindemellett persze nekem is dolgozni kell még járnom. Angoltanár vagyok, ami nem sok fizetéssel, egyre kevesebb szabadidővel és egyre több megkötöttséggel jár. 

Milyen megoldást találtam a szabadidőm mennyiségének növelésére?

Számomra egy értélmű, hogy egy kertesház

Vennem kell egy kertesházat, hogy ne a kutyáim bélműködésétől függjenek a mindennapjaim. Ez lehet így durván hangzik, de azért kell ,,muszájból" levinni a kutyákat, mert el kell, hogy végezzék a dolgukat. A munkám miatt ráadásul pontosan kell menni mindig le velük, akkor is, ha éppen abban a pillanatban szakad ránk az ég, mikor kilépünk a lépcsőházajtón és 3 másodperc alatt bőrig ázunk. Hogy fokozzam a hangulatot, ez az eső lehet akár jéghideg novemberi eső jeges széllel fűszerezve. 

Szóval kertesház. Angoltanári fizetésből... Ez akár ,,felejtős" is lehetne. Az is lenne, ha nem ragaszkodnék hozzá annyira, hogy megoldást keressek a helyzetemre. Nem egy mezei, egyszerű kis házat akarok, hanem egy szép balatonparti házat. Ez egy átlag magyar embernek, mint én is vagyok, olyan álom, amiből úgy ébred fel az ember, hogy a jó teli bilibe lóg könyékig a keze. 

Mert nem két forint egy kertesház. De nem két forint egy lakótelepi panellakás sem. Erre se futná a fizumból, spórolhatnék, kuporgathatnék rá nyugdíjas koromig. Nyugdíjat viszont eddig nagyon úgy néz ki, hogy velem együtt még sokan nem fogunk kapni. Ha meg mégis, jó 40 év meló után, akkor meg a legtöbb ember annyira le van strapálva idegileg és testileg-lelkileg, hogy az ,,Állam bácsi"-nak nem sokáig kell havonta folyósítania a nyugdíjat...

Balatonparti kertesházat csak akkor fogok tudni venni, ha komolyan veszem a DXN üzletet. Itt befektetés nélkül, igaz, több és kemény, kitartást igénylő, kezdetekben látszólag eredmény nélküli munkával ez lehetséges. Ráadásul még jó hülyének is nézik miatta az embert. 

,,Valakinek a rólam alkotott véleménye nem kell, hogy a valóságommá váljon" (Les Brown)

Én viszont úgy vagyok vele, hogy inkább dolgozok keményen vagy 4 évig, és a fizetésem többszöröséért fiatalon, egészségesen visszavonulok, mint sem hogy 40 évig a tanári fizetésem töredékéért, lestrapálva, kimerülten tengődjek majd öregen a kevéske nyugdíjamból.