2017. június 27., kedd

DXN Cordyceps liečivé huby zdroj životnej energie - Ayurveda prezentácia

The Source of Life Energy:

Cordyceps sinensis medicinal mushroom

Tibethan parasite of caterpillars

Cordyceps is naturally a parasite fungus which devours the host it chooses. Cordyceps sinensis namely chose the caterpillar as a host body.

Today it is grown in a fully vegan way in laboratories in DXN factories.

Ganoderma lucidum and Cordyceps
sinensis outnumbered all the other fungi in the following field of beneficial
therapeutic effects:

  • anti-bacterial
  • anti-candida
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-oxidant
  • anti-tumor
  • anti-viral
  • blood pressure
  • blood sugar
  • cardiovascular
  • cholesterol reducer
  • immune system
  • kidney tonic
  • liver tonic
  • nerve tonic
  • lungs/respiratory
  • sexual potentiator
  • stress reducer

2017. június 25., vasárnap

Yeni Başlangıç Günü 2.: Ben katılınca DXN işinde ne yapmalı?

Mit is kell csinálni, ha valaki beregisztrált a DXN Ganoderma gyógygombás kávés hálózatépítő üzletbe?

(A videón futó törtök felirat a DXN friss törökországi piacnyitása miatt látható.)

MLM-es sablonoktól mentes üzletépítés, mindenféle kötelezettségektől, kényszerektől mentes marketingterv és egyedülálló. mindenkinél műkdő napi felhasználási cikkek...nem is tudom, kell-e még valamit mondanom ahhoz, hogy most rögtön ne regisztráljon be valaki, aki vagy már tapasztalt bizonyos dolgokat más Network Marketing cégeknél, vagy már pont eleget szívott az állásában, ahol nem tud egyről a kettőre jutni. 

A magyar nyelvű DXN-es honlapomon érdemes pár 2 percet szánni az üzleti lehetőség menüt elolvasására mindenképpen.

DXN Türkiye web sitesi: tıklayın

2017. június 24., szombat

DXN Ganozhi Mehrzweck-Zahnpasta mit Ganoderma lucidum Heilpilz

Zahnpasta für Hämorrhoiden? Außerdem,
mit Heilpilz?

Ganoderma lucidum in der Zahnpflege

DXN Ganozhi Zahnpasta mit Reishi Heilpilz-Extrakt ist nicht nur hervorragend für dem traditionellen Gebrauch, um meine Zähne zu putzen, aber auch viele seltsame, bisher unbekannte, sogar bizarre Methoden der Anwendung sind bekannt.

Multifunktionaler Einsatz von DXN
Ganoderma Zahnpasta:

• feminine waschen,
• Zahnschmerzen,
• Akne,
• Kopfschmerzen,
• Magenschmerzen,
• Durchfall,
• Hämorrhoidenbehandlung,
• Verhinderung von Achselhöhlen-
   und Füßen riechen

Meine eigene Produkterfahrung mit
DXN Ganozhi Ganoderma Zahnpasta 

Ich persönlich benutze DXNGanozhi Ganoderma Zahnpasta um meine Zähne zu putzen, und ich benutze es für Muskel- oder Gelenkschmerzen - was zum Glück nicht üblich ist. Ich habe ein bisschen  auf meinen Schultern und meine Taille verbreitet, aber ich benutze es auch auf meinem Knie. Es kühlt auch gut und hilft zu regenerieren. Der Geschmack ist ausgezeichnet, sehr super, frisch, Mentholic.

2017. június 22., csütörtök

DXN Ganozhi multipurpose toothpaste with Reishi medicinal mushroom

Toothpaste for hemorrhoids? 

In addition, with medicinal fungus?

Ganoderma lucidum in dental care

DXN Ganozhi toothpaste containing Reishi medicinal mushroom
extract is not only excellent for traditional use, to brush my teeth with it, but also many strange, unknown to date, even bizarre methods of application are known.

Multifunctional use of DXN Ganoderma toothpaste:

• feminine wash,
• toothache,
• acne,
• headache,
• stomach pain,
• diarrhoea,
• hemorrhoid treatment,
• prevention of armpits and feet smell

My own product experience with 

I personally use to brush my teeth with it, and I use it in the case of muscle or joint pains - which fortunately is not common. I have just spread some on my shoulder and my waist, but I also use it on my knee. It also cools well and helps to regenerate. The taste is excellent, very super, fresh, mentholic. 

2017. június 21., szerda

DXN Ganozhi multifunkciós fogkrém pecsétviaszgomba kivonattal

Aranyérre fogkrém? Ráadásul gombás?

Pecsétviaszgomba a fogápolásban

A DXN Ganozhi pecsétviaszgomba kivonatot tartalmazó fogkréme nem csak a hagyományos használatra kiváló, ugye, arra, hogy fogat mossak vele, hanem számos, furának, eddig ismeretlennek, sőt, bizarrnak tűnő felhasználási módja is ismert.

A DXNGanodermás fogkrém multifunciós felhasználása:

  • intim lemosó,
  • fogfájás, 
  • pattanások, 
  • fejfájás, 
  • gyomorfájás, 
  • hasmenés,
  • aranyér kezelése,  
  • hónalj és lábszag megelőzése

Saját terméktapasztalatom a DXN Ganozhi ganodermás fogkrémmel

Én személy szerint fogat mosok vele, és izom- illetve ízületi fájdalmak esetén - ami szerencsére nem gyakori - használom. Most is éppen kentem belőle a vállamra és a derekamra, de a térdemre is szoktam. Kiválóan hűsít is, és segít regenerálódni. Az íze is kiváló, nagyon szuper, friss, mentolos.

2017. június 18., vasárnap

Hidegvizes DXN Ganoderma kávé készítés

Hideg DXN Ganoderma kávé

Eloldódik a DXN Ganoderma kávé
hideg vízben?

Igen, tapasztalatból mondom, hogy a DXN Ganoderma gyógygombás kávéi kiválóan oldódnak hideg vízben is.

Azért döntöttem úgy, hogy kipróbálom hideg vizet használva is elkészíteni a DXN ganodermás kávémat, mert egy barátom DXN kávék hideg vízben való oldódására irányzott kérdése kíváncsivá tett.

Kiváló alkalom volt arra, hogy kipróbáljam, és cselekedetemet azonnali siker  -  és egy finom hideg ganoderma 3az1-ben kávé – koronázta. Ahogy a videómban is látható, számomra a DXN instant gombáskávéinak hidegen való elkészítésének leggyorsabb módja az, ha egy műanyag flakonban összerázom hideg vízzel.

Pár másodperc rázás után a DXN Lingzhi Coffee 3in1 Eu már iható is! :)

Preparing cold water DXN Ganoderma coffee

Preparing cold DXN Ganoderma coffee 

Does Ganoderma coffee absorb in cold water?

Yes, I can tell from my experience, that DXN Ganoderma coffee absorbs perfectly in cold water too!

I decided to try preparing my DXN Ganoderma coffee using cold water because a friend of mine made me curious with his question regarding the possibility to prepare Ganoderma coffee using cold water.

It was an excellent opportunity to take a try and it was an instant success. As you see in my video, to me the fastest way to prepare my DXN Lingzhi Coffee is to pour the coffee powder in a plastic bottle I usually have with me anyway and add cold water to it. After shaking it for a few seconds, my DXN Lingzhi Coffee 3in1 Eu is ready to drink! 

To your health! :)

2017. június 17., szombat

Nutrition with Lingzhi and soy: DXN Nutrizhi alkaline fitness drink

Fitness drink that tastes yummy: DXN NutriZhi

Alkaline soy drink with Lingzhi extract

DXN NutriZhi: healthy drink from a sacred plant mixed with the King of Herbs

DXN NutriZhi is a delicious alkaline fitness drink made for soy and enriched with Ganoderma medicinal mushroom extract. Soy is one of the five sacred plants in China and Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi/Lingzhi) is the King of Herbs chosen from among 200 excellent other herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Based on these information I can honestly tell you that DXN NutriZhi is an excellent choice for health conscious people who do not want to give up on tasty drinks for the sake of getting slim. 

Do sports you love, eat and drink what you love!

Do sports you love and eat and drink delicious, nutritive food and drink! This way I am happy, do not feel the lack of anything. I experienced, that if I force myself not to eat certain treats, I make up for them in a short while, so I allow myself to eat some sweets as well. I can do this calmly because I always do my daily exercise.

Lúgosító szójaital Ganodermával: DXN NutriZhi fitness ital

Milyen az öt szent növény egyike, a szója Ganodermás fitness italként fogyasztva?

A szójáról örök kedvencem, Hofi Géza egyik kabaréjának egy
részlete jut mindig eszembe. Gondolom, ismerős :)

Az tény, hogy megoszlanak a vélemények róla. A régi Kínában
a rizs, a búza, az árpa és a köles mellett az ötödik szent növény volt.

Mértéktelenül a szóját sem érdemes fogyasztani női nemi
hormon tartalma miatt. Én néha tofut eszem és a DXN ganodermás szójaitalát iszom, amit szerintem kiváló ízű.

2017. június 13., kedd

DXN Street Workout and BMX Flatland bike check: hanging Leg Raises on a cannon barrel and recommending products outside Network Marketing

 Street workout and BMX Flatland:

hanging leg raises on a cannon barrel and BMX bike check

This blog is the English transcription of what I say in Hungarian in my YouTube video bellow:

I spiced my blog with some picture of the parts of my BMX Flatland bicycle taken from the video above. The other topic of my writing, as you will soon find out, is

Recommending products in everyday life outside MLM business

Hi, Coffeeking coming right at you again from Miskolc, Avas, Hungary. I'm here at one of the smallest cannons of Indian Chief Long Gun’s great-grandson who used this beisde his tomahawk when he stepped on the war path. :D Do not think that I have become a full gangsta rapper and I am posing with guns, but here's a pretty California-like mood. I feel completely like I was chilling on the West Coast, especially because I was riding my bike to some very delicate gangsta rap (Mr. Criminal). But this is not the West Coast, but Mist Coast (my city Miskolc cna be pronunced like that), so I quickly give you a bike check here. This means that I will show you what parts does my BMX bicycle consist of, with which I practise Flatland tricks here in the Avas-top Youth Park.

Street workout in a cannon-barrel: hanging leg raises by DXN coffee-lover Gergely Takács
Hanging leg raises on a cannon-barrel to get rid of some of those swimbelts :)

I will explain you now what parts make up my BMX Flatland bike and share a few of my experiences of using them. I will also include logos of the BMX brands I ride in my blog. Click on them to visit the websites of the BMX companies.

You can see that there is my website (dxncoffee.com) on this nice yellow BMX frame as well. The bike itself is a BMX Flatland bicycle. It's important for the ground on which riders practise to be flat, straight and even, which is ideal for practicing different Flatland tricks. The frame brand is Mankind, you can see the MK logo on the headtube, just like on the lovely metallic purple head bearing, which is also a Mankind bike part.

Mankind head bearings and The Code frame work great and have nice colours too. The frame is short enough for me.
My Mankind BMX frame and head bearings.

The next component I present is the BMX front fork. This is a zero offset fork, which means that the first axle is located in the center of the fork. It is a St. Martin Mikado fork, the logo is a little overlaid on the inside of the legs of the fork.

St Martin BMX Flatland bicycle components work just great for me.
I love my St Martin BMX Flatland bike parts, they work fine.

Hang five and nose wheelie are easier for me on my zero offset St Martin Mikado BMX Flatland fork
St Martin Mikado zero offset BMX Flatland fork. It endures well my 90-kg bodyweight for years now.

I'll show you my brakes now. I only have front brakes, this is also a St. Martin brand of beautiful metallic burgundy colour. The brake shoe is something "noname", but it works very well. I really like St. Martin parts, I used to have a St. Martin frame before.

St Martin U-Brakes are pleasant to the eye with their wonderful metal burgundy colors.
I love my U-Brakes from St Martin. Metal burgundy color is my favourite!

The brake lever also shows that I used it a lot, it's a very old piece. This is an Odyssey brake lever, the little O-letter logo appears on it. Odyssey BMX parts kick ass!

Odyssey has top-notch BMX gear, that is for sure. My 10-year-old Monolever that still works great is the proof.
I have been using my Odyssey Monolever break lever for 10 years and it works good as new.

I also have an old, shabby bar that I have also worn out, but just some of the paint on it. The paint got worn from the ’step over the bar’-type tricks. This is also an Odyssey brand bike part, with its special name Bar Mitzvah. Such funny names are given by Odyssey to its products. Bar Mitzvah is a word game, the word "bar" is a bicycle part of course, but the word "Bar Mitzvah" itself means something in Jewish culture that is used for boys who have grown up and Bar Mitzvah is also how their inauguration ceremony is called.

 Odyssey BMX official website

This bar designed especially for BMX Flatland style has the specialty that it has lifetime warranty. I've been using it for about 10 years and it has no problem at all. Its weight is light too. It's a "zero" offset bar. This means that there is no sweep angle forwards or backwards.

This Odyssey BMX bar is a low-profile one, which is perfect for my height of 171 centimeters.
The perfect fit for me: Odyssey Bar Mitzvah bars with zero offset

The next piece of my bike is the stem. It's also a St. Martin component. I really like it that it is "knee-friendly" from its side toward the saddle, so there are no protuberances. Apart from this, when I hit my legs, it will also hurt, but I will not get caught in it and it does not cause me injuries like I've been
fighting with ninjas.

St Martin X26 stem for BMX Flatland use
X26 stem by St Martin BMX Flatland company

Then there are some of those strange things called "pegs" on my BMX. I use 4 pieces and, surprisingly, they are not made of iron, steel or aluminum, but of some kind of strong plastic. They are light, strong and durable, and I have been using them for a long time. They are manufactured by my friend, Csöpi, who also helped me a lot to practice tricks and repaired my bikes a lot for me to his great pleasure, so I would like to dedicate this video to him as well.

I can not seem to wear out these wonderful BMX Flatland pegs my friend Csöpi made me
Mashers BMX Flatland pegs by by friend Csöpi, Hungarian street rider

What do you think is so special in this bike if you look at it? You see here a hole in the middle. This is the place of the cranks or center axle. You can see that there is no pedal, sprocket, chain, cranks, driver, and rear hu bon mx BMX bike. I use a front hub in the back too, so I actually have two front wheels, one right in the front, in the front fork, the other in the back in the rear fork. I've taken off the drive for several years now because it was simply not necessary for the tricks I've been practicing.

Superstar BMX Overdrive front hubs are durable for my 90-kg-weight
Superstar BMX Overdrive front hubs work fine for me in the front and in the back as I use no cranks and have 2 front wheels.

I love the little star design in the middle of Superstar Overdrive BMX Flatland fron hubs
Superstar Overdrive front hubs for BMX Flatland superstar riders ;)

The front and back hubs are the same with a very modest name: Superstar is their brand. Both of my rims are also Superstar parts and "Duty" fantasy name. Probably because a superstar has a duty to keep doing his tricks on his BMX Flatland bike every day. ;)

Superstar Duty BMX Flatland rims work fine for me in both wheels
I ride Superstar Duty BMX Flatland/Street rims in both wheels

Tires are very important. I use Odyssey, developed by our "Father" Chase Gouin. This type is the Frequency G. 1.75 size tire and as you can see, the rear one is white and the front one black, but there is no difference in its material and pattern. I use them at about 7.5 bar, but they can be blown up to a very brutal 10 bar. There are some who are rolling with on that pressure. For me this about 7-7.5 bar pressure works lately, but I've been cycling with tires that have been pressurized even more.

Odyssey Frequency G 1.75 BMX Flatland tires are the most superb tires I have ever used.
My all-time favourite tire for BMX Flatland riding is Frequency G 1.75 size from the King of BMX brands: Odyssey

Colony BMX official website
Colony BMX seat and seatpost work great for me in Flatland

My seat and seat post are Colony brand "pivotal" parts. This means that the saddle is screwed up from the top of the saddle through an opening in the middle of the saddle, with an Allen bolt. The seat of my BMX is also quite run-down, with upside-down tricks (eg caboose-glide) when it accidentally hits the concrete or I drop the bicycle, it unfortunately wears.

Colony Pivotal Seat and seatpost for BMX Flatland. They are long-lasting and comfortable both for hands and to sit on.
Colony Pivotal Seat and seatpost designed for BMX Flatland riding. They last long even under me!

As you can see, bike parts in BMX Flatland also get worn. The shoes also, especially when I used to practice "scuffing" ("shuffle ", braking and propelling the wheel with the shoes) tricks. Then I wore my shoes brutally fast, the sole simply got punctureded at the front and could almost be thrown to the trash, though it was almost "brand new." I do not practice scuff-tricks anymore, because I like to practice something else. Unfortunately, my scuffing tricks they have not been recorded to a video, I might pull them one more time to make a good video of them.

I bought 90% of my BMX at Harlee Shop in Miskolc, by the way,. This is now the place for advertising. I advertise because I am satisfied with both the parts and the service. So people do not just advertise in MLM, but in everyday life as well, when they tell each other where they bought something, how good it is, how good a product works so they recommend products and services just like I do now with my BMX Flatland bike.

Visit official website of Harlee Shop for BMX and skateboard parts and accessories
Harlee Shop Miskolc, Hungary is a great skate and bike store

In the meantime, I think it is clearly visible that I've done a lot of cuts in the video and maybe I'm talking a bit quieter than I would otherwise do, because here a lot of people are coming outside, running around, kids are rollerskating. This is a little bit embarrassing to me that I'm recording my video and I'm talking to mysellf and who knows what they might think. They must think that I have taken a lot of DXN Ganoderma medicinal mushroom and this is the result. XD LOL! :D See you,

(Do not stop the video yet, here is comes my new DXN product experience!)

I'm surprised to endure heat very well as I've noticed for a few weeks now. It's pretty hot out here, I think the temperature is just over 25 degrees Centigrade (I shot this video on 05.20.2017). I'm starting to flee to the shadows well below 20 degrees, as if I were a vampire, but now I do not even seem to mind the sun and the heat. It may well be the effect of Ganoderma that I improvingly endure heat.

2017. június 5., hétfő

Alkaline coffee with Peruvian Ginseng: DXN Maca EuCafé product video

The Secret Power of the Inkas Mixed with Coffee:

DXN Maca EuCafé with Peruvian Ginseng

The Peruvian ginseng (lepidium meyenii) is a superfood. Until I knew what the expression "superfood" meant, I thought it was a super, very delicious meal. Frankly, I can not say whether Peruvian ginseng has super delicious taste or not because I have not tasted it yet, but in South America, the Inca Indians had gone on the warpath (gone to battle), they chewed this root resembling to celery and parsley before battles, because it gave them supernatural endurance.

What is superfood? 

Superfood is, shortly paraphrased is a healthy source of nutrients that contain concentrated amounts of nutrients and vitamins. In addition to Maca, Spirulina, Cordyceps and Ganoderma (means ’shiny skin’) are also known as superfoods. Dato 'dr. Liom Siow Jin, the founder president of DXN company, based on the results of decades of research that Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi, Reishi) and Spirulina contain all the nutrients needed for the healthy functioning of the human body. These are therefore not dietary supplements, but foods. dr. Lim says, that all the other food he consumes, eg. rice, vegetables, fruits, etc. can be put into the nutritional supplement category. Interesting approach, right? I think there is a basis to this.

Is DXN Maca EuCafe delicious? 

I'm one of my favorites, I think it's a delightful DXN coffee as well. On the basis of its composition, it is up to everyone to decide whether or not it is to his/her taste, though I would rather suggest to taste a cup because I know a lot of people, me included, who, before DXN coffee could not have coffee for medical reasons or simply did not like coffee.

The DXN "Maca coffee" contains Peruvian ginseng (this is Maca herb), instant Arabica coffee, non-dairy creamer and cane sugar. That's why I suggest this alkaline healthy coffee to those with a sweet tooth, but it may cause a pleasant surprise to those who like plain black coffee. You do not have to worry about the sugar. Our Ganotherapist’s expertise suggests that DXN coffees are safe for diabetics too. Even the daily consumption of several cups of DXN mushroom coffee has a beneficial effect on blood glucose levels.

2017. június 4., vasárnap

DXN Maca EuCafé lúgosító kávé különlegesség perui ginzenggel

Az inkák
titkos ereje kávéba keverve:

DXN Maca EuCafé perui  ginzenggel 

perui zsázsa (lepidium meyenii) egy szuperétel. Amíg én nem tudtam, mit is jelent ez a „szuperétel” kifejezés, azt hittem, hogy egy szuper, nagyon finom ételről van szó. Őszintén szólva arról nem tudok nyilatkozni, hogy vajon szuper finom-e a Perui ginzeng, mert még nem kóstoltam, viszont Dél-Amerikában az inka indiánok mikor hadiösvényre léptek (háborúzni indultak), ezt a gumós, zellerre és petrezselyemre emlékeztető gyökeret rágcsálták csaták előtt, mert természetfeletti állóképességet kölcsönzött nekik.

Mi is az a szuperétel?

A szuperétel tömören fogalmazva egy olyan egészséges tápanyagforrás, ami koncentrált mennyiségben tartalmaz tápanyagokat és vitaminokat. A Maca mellett a SpirulinaCordyceps és a Ganoderma (pecsétviaszgomba) is szuperételként ismert. Dato’ dr. Liom Siow Jin, a DXN vállalat alapítóelnöke évtizedes kutatások eredményeire alapozva állítja, hogy a Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi, Reishi) gyógygomba és a Spirulina együtt tartalmaz minden olyan tápanyagot, amire az emberi szervezet egészséges működéséhez szükség van. Ezek tehát nem étrend kiegészítők, hanem ételek, élelmiszerek. dr. Lim az összes többi általa elfogyasztott ételt, pl. rizs, zöldségek, gyümölcsök, stb. sorolja az táplálékkiegészítő kategóriába. Érdekes megközelítés, igaz? Szerintem van alapja.

Finom a DXN Maca EuCafé?

Nekem az egyik kedvencem, szerintem isteni finom ez a DXN kávé is. Az összetétele alapján eldöntheti mindenki, hogy az ő ízlésének megfelelő-e, bár én inkább megkóstolnám, mert sok olyat ismerek, magamat is beleértve, akik a DXN kávék előtt vagy nem kávézhattak egészségügyi okok miatt, vagy egyszerűen nem szerették a kávét.

A DXN ,,Macáskávé” tartalmaz Perui zsázsát (ez a Maca gyógynövény), instant Arabica kávét, növény tejport és nádcukrot. Ez alapján én az édesszájúaknak javaslom, de okozhat kellemes meglepetést azoknak is szerintem, akik a sima feketét szeretik. A cukor miatt nem kell aggódni, Ganoterapeutánk szakvéleménye szerint cukorbetegek számára is teljesen biztonságos a DXN kávék fogyasztása. Akár a napi több DXN gombáskávé fogyasztása is kedvező hatással van a vércukor szintre is.

DXN Maca EuCafé lúgosító kávé különlegesség perui ginzenggel

Az inkák
titkos ereje kávéba keverve:

DXN Maca EuCafé perui  ginzenggel 

perui zsázsa (lepidium meyenii) egy szuperétel. Amíg én nem tudtam, mit is jelent ez a „szuperétel” kifejezés, azt hittem, hogy egy szuper, nagyon finom ételről van szó. Őszintén szólva arról nem tudok nyilatkozni, hogy vajon szuper finom-e a Perui ginzeng, mert még nem kóstoltam, viszont Dél-Amerikában az inka indiánok mikor hadiösvényre léptek (háborúzni indultak), ezt a gumós, zellerre és petrezselyemre emlékeztető gyökeret rágcsálták csaták előtt, mert természetfeletti állóképességet kölcsönzött nekik.

Mi is az a szuperétel?

A szuperétel tömören fogalmazva egy olyan egészséges tápanyagforrás, ami koncentrált mennyiségben tartalmaz tápanyagokat és vitaminokat. A Maca mellett a SpirulinaCordyceps és a Ganoderma (pecsétviaszgomba) is szuperételként ismert. Dato’ dr. Liom Siow Jin, a DXN vállalat alapítóelnöke évtizedes kutatások eredményeire alapozva állítja, hogy a Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi, Reishi) gyógygomba és a Spirulina együtt tartalmaz minden olyan tápanyagot, amire az emberi szervezet egészséges működéséhez szükség van. Ezek tehát nem étrend kiegészítők, hanem ételek, élelmiszerek. dr. Lim az összes többi általa elfogyasztott ételt, pl. rizs, zöldségek, gyümölcsök, stb. sorolja az táplálékkiegészítő kategóriába. Érdekes megközelítés, igaz? Szerintem van alapja.

Finom a DXN Maca EuCafé?

Nekem az egyik kedvencem, szerintem isteni finom ez a DXN kávé is. Az összetétele alapján eldöntheti mindenki, hogy az ő ízlésének megfelelő-e, bár én inkább megkóstolnám, mert sok olyat ismerek, magamat is beleértve, akik a DXN kávék előtt vagy nem kávézhattak egészségügyi okok miatt, vagy egyszerűen nem szerették a kávét.

A DXN ,,Macáskávé” tartalmaz Perui zsázsát (ez a Maca gyógynövény), instant Arabica kávét, növény tejport és nádcukrot. Ez alapján én az édesszájúaknak javaslom, de okozhat kellemes meglepetést azoknak is szerintem, akik a sima feketét szeretik. A cukor miatt nem kell aggódni, Ganoterapeutánk szakvéleménye szerint cukorbetegek számára is teljesen biztonságos a DXN kávék fogyasztása. Akár a napi több DXN gombáskávé fogyasztása is kedvező hatással van a vércukor szintre is.

2017. június 2., péntek

Is BMX Flatland a dangerous extreme bike sport?

Are there any dangers in BMX Flatland?

What does it have in common with DXN
Ganoderma Coffee Business?

The main topic of my article is my favorite sport and hobby, BMX Flatland and its dangers, but at the end of the article I divulge a few words about common points in my sport and MLM business.

Making videos, as a new useful tool in my life

I've been really into making video lately, as you've seen the ever-expanding playlist of my DXN product experience videos. I record not only the consumption of Ganoderma coffee and nutritional supplements with my smartphone but also try to capture my BMX Flatland tricks. Earlier, I pretty much disliked both smartphones and making videos, but this was in my life before DXN business. I realized that I can really learn how to handle a touchscreen phone and it is useful if I can use it to work on the Internet.

Coffeeking DXN BMX Vlog

I've never been a big phototaker-type

I still find it important to note here that I have never really been a very big photo-enthusiast, but for my goals I had to get a bit out of my comfort zone in this area, but that did not go with great blood loss, I'm not really doing anything I do not want. I've made friends with my voice and basically with the sight of myself in the videos. There's always a little blooper and a few extra pounds here or there, but I'm working on these in the meantime. :)

Click on this pic to read 'Make coffee, not war' blog entry
Some own-bodyweight street workout: pull-ups on a cannon barrel
I almost turned the cannon upside down from DXN Ganoderma coffee...xD

Making videos, though it is also time consuming and takes a lot of labour, ranging from good shooting, camera position and lighting - all of which I have not always succeeded in yet, but I'm trying my best - until the final cut, still I regret that I had not made videos or photos of my bike-life in the past, because it is very good to look at them again. I also have a lot of stuff I might not get out of my bag of tricks again because I'm interested in other kinds of exercises and styles. How good it would have been to shoot these tricks and combos that I learnt with tiresome work! Videos shot directly to advertise DXN products naturally form an integral part of online networking preferred by me.

Advantages of DXN: dr. Lim's words:

After this not too brief introduction, if you're still with me, I deal a little bit with the dangers of one of the five disciplines of BMX Freestyle I practise: Flatland. In the video, I'm talking about this with a lot less detours, though I could still say a lot on the subject. That's why I'm writing a few ideas, experiences beside this video as

Although this BMX style is not the "big jump" type, here one also can crash, hit oneself and get injured. Wearing protective gear does not save you from these, which I experienced on my own skin. While riding street, dirt and vert or specially designed skate parks it is recommended and in most places, it is compulsory to wear at least helmets, which in my opinion is good, in BMX Flatland - although I've been wearing the helmet for some time surprising my mates as I come from a mountain bike background – there is very little chance of falling on ones head. Murphy, of course, also comes in here, and surely this is a counter-example, though I did not have a head injury - and I keep my fingers crossed saying: I will not have one in the future as well. While riding monty (mountain bike)
down the hill, the helmet saved me more than once. For example, once I landed right on top of my head and if I had not been wearing a headgear, I would probably not be writing this blog today.

Most of the BMX street riders do not wear helmets and other protective equipment, but those who do not want faith decide instead of them are even wearing a spine protector and body armour as well like in American football. At X-Games, if I know well, this is also mandatory. It is true that it is somewhat limited in motion, but it also protects from very serious, ugly, life-threatening injuries, such as a fractured rib.

Crossfoot ’’Funky Chicken" BMX Flatland trick, 
Gergely Takács Heroes Square, Miskolc, August 2003.

DXN coffee distributor Gergely Takacs riding BMX Flatland
Shinbone protecors come in handy for BMX Flatland tricks but they are very hot to wear

Mine would not have been fracutured and later broken if I had been wearing body armor. True, fortunately, it only happened to me once, but it was more than enough, trust me. I do not want to repeat myself very much, this is what I'm talking about in my video, but I fell on the end of the handlebar and I did not know it yet, but my rib was broken, I think ’’only" one. Then two weeks later I managed to break it with a sneeze. That enormous surprise and pain never felt before almost scared me to death. I have never had a major injury before that so I was very scared. I did a lot of sports before BMX, which was not difficult as I started to ride Flatland at the age of 25 (!). Before that I had two injuries that were more memorable for me. When I was about 15 years old, I had rib bruise from a karate training due to the kick on my irresponsible team-mate which was not shown by x-rays. 

The second big injury happened to me at about the age of 23 while playing basketball. I managed to get so unlucky landing from a throw that my foot stuck on the ground, but my knee kept turning unfortunately and it jerked. I saw stars and almost started to cry, from the fright too. This is the injury that follows me till the present day, because one of my knees (do not yet) work with a 100% efficiency, and it debilitated me for a long time: I was simply scared to leap, because I always had the sudden pain on my mind that - and virtually all other injuries as well - I managed to avoid till that time.

The basic version of "Funky Chicken"

BMX Flatland trick. Gergely Takács, Heroes' Square, Miskolc, 2013, august.

Funky Chicken BMX Flatland trick: old skool scuffing trick that kills shoes way too quickly
Hero on the square: Gergely Takacs DXN coffee distributor riding BMX Flatland at Heroes' Square, Miskolc, Hungary

In BMX Flatland there are rather smaller, but quite unpleasant injuries

I also had an injury that was not visible on me. It happened while I was learning the trick Hang Five or Switzerland Squeakers. I do not remember exactly which one it was but my left foot slipped from the first peg and as I put both my legs on the ground so that they I did not fall on my nose, and the saddle found a very short but impressive manner hit my tailbone. (This is the bone that is at the back of the spine, and the animals’ tails grow out of it.)

The point is, that this is a very sensitive point. Anyone who has hit it in some way knows what I'm talking about. It had hurt me for at least six months, not always when I sat down, but I felt it and it was a bit scary when it had been hurting for a long time, but luckily it passed. I got this from faith. Once in elementary school, I pulled a chair from a classmate in the technics classroom when he wanted to sit down. It was a good tall 3-legged chair. It was very spectacular, and it seemed funny, everyone laughed aloud, me included. My poor classmate blushed red to the top of his ear and sat down on the chair. This was then forgotten, there were such jokes in the school every day. Two weeks later, on the other hand, this classmate remarked that his tailbone hurt. I asked him why, and he said ever since I had pulled the chair from under him. I did not even remember my act and then I became really ashamed, because I did not want to hurt him, I did my prank only for the sake of stupidity and laughter. Fortunately, he did not suffer from it, but I, as I described above, I got this back after 10 years. I've already experienced in other ways of life that you get both the good and the bad back from faith.

My friend Szmeti, with whom I was riding at Heroes’ Square in Miskolc, told me that he had a first peg in his neck when he was practicing the trick called Time Machine. Somehow the BMX slipped out from under him and he fell in such a miserable way. Thank God there was no harm done to him in the long run, but he abandoned the practice that day and went home.

Fortunately, I can not report serious Flatland injuries from myself and my environment. Perhaps it is still relevant here that my friend Csöpi, whom I owe a lot, is a king in BMX Street style too, and climbs mountains and rocks that I'm even scared to look at. Unfortunately, his ankle was damaged by a trick that his ankle had to be operated. True, this trick was rather a street trick. From a bunny hop-barspin he landed so unfortunately that his ankle broke under the pedal. I am writing this to the ’Dangerousness of Flatland Tricks’ section, because it is not in the same category regarding dangers as a backflip, but it was a very nasty injury too.

Once, when I had a pedal, chain and crank on my bicycle, at a "speed" of about 0.5 km per hour, I pulled the front wheel up the curb and my leg slipped off of the rough metal framed-pedal in such an unhappy way that the brutal-hard and spiky metal frame slammed against my shinbone, of which I took off the guard about 10 minutes before. I thought my shinbone was shattered to pieces and I wanted to shout really loud from the freaking pain. We were talking on the way home, I did not even do a trick. "Shit happens" – they say. In the picture below I switched to wearing long trousers from shinguards to protect my shinbones and calves a bit. It was not very comfortable in hot weather either, when I normally only wore shorts all the time.

Now let's look at that famous shinbone-protector with all its advantages and disadvantages.

’’Time Machine" BMX Flatland trick, really travelling slightly back in time to June 14, 2004. GergelyTakács, Avasi Secondary School court, Miskolc.

I rode an O.G. Bike here specially designed for BMX Flatland bike riding.
Here is the notorious brutal metal-framed pedal that hit my shinbone in a way that I saw Stars Wars right before my eyes. (In Hungarian we say ’saw stars’ when one experiences great pain. I made this pun using this Hungarian proverb.)

Advantages and disadvantages of the shinbone-protector 

in BMX Flatland cycling

The shinbone is a pretty delicate point in practicing with BMX bikes as well. One has in vain instead of the brutally hard, shinbone-killing metal pedal a plastic one that is used by most people nowadays, it can also be a source of pain to target the leg of the unsuspecting Flatland rider. Since I practice all sorts of tricks in Flatland that derive from the ’not intended use’ of (a ’normal’) bicycle, so the surprising parts of the bicycle find a surprising variety to hit different parts of the body. I took off the helmet soon enough, but for a long time I had elbow-and foremarm protector and kneepads and shinguard as well. These protectors gave me undoubtedly a sense of security, but they limited my movement and I was sweating in them like crazy, and even the clamping straps slammed into my flesh, and after a while these made the practising of the basicly hard tricks for me as a beginner very uneasy. I was advised to leave the shin guard on only. That's what I did. But after a while this was uncomfortable because, although it protected my shinbones and calves very well, it was the hottest of all the protectors. Not to speak of, that if I did not want to stink from miles, then that was supposed to be washed on a daily basis. This did not do good to the protector either, which did not 2 forints (Hungarian currency almost the same as US cents), but actually did not dry out between trainings when I had to put them on again. Especially if I practiced in the morning/at dawn and in the afternoon/evening, which I often did. Because the 6 - or even more - hour practices (trainings/bike rides) a day were not a rare phenomena. Being washed or not, somehow the smell did not improve too much either. Listening to one of my experienced Flatlander friends (Attila Sarlósi, World Champion!), during a practice I just took the shinguards off. Attila was right: it made riding a lot more free! It was not in the back of my mind's how much it was clutching, cutting, and how warm the shin protectors were. But, having them taken off they did not protect either, this was obvious. Since then, I've had a couple of minor or bigger knocks on my shins, which looks a bit like a leg of a Thai-boxer. Sometimes it has bruises and scars, and as it is healing continually, the skin is a bit stained, sometimes brighter, and uneven from the hits. Yes, my shinbones have already suffered a few very painful punches, there has been a trace of the latest one for weeks now, the skin came off in a little round shape and it bled and hurt too.

Pedal Five BMX Flatland trick at Harlee Cup BMX and Skateboard Contest 
Gergely Takács, Tokaj, Hungary, 04.05.2008.

I am very proud of this trick, Pedal Five. It is considered a very serious trick in BMX Flatland extreme bike sport.
Here I used a less shinbone-killer plastic pedal and rode a great St. Martin BMX.

But that is included in the game. No pain, no gain. A friend of mine, Matyi also said when he hit his leg that "this is good because it hurts." We laughed at this, because he had hit his legs very often, and he seemed a little mazochist, but he took pain very kind and smiling. Good because it hurts: on the one hand, it's good to hurt because it feels his leg. He has legs. This may be morbid, and I'm really not joking now. If you think about it, many people would take the punch for 24 hours a day, just to have legs.

On the other hand, if you hit yourself a few times, you experience and develope. This development in Flatland in the first few months, even years, is not very spectacular, but if you like this sport, you will enjoy, as I do, the tiny successes, first of all the simpler and more complicated tricks. Nothing can beat the feeling when one ’pulls a trick’ for the first time: when one first does it flawlessly.

Is it worth to wear protective gear for practising BMX Flatland tricks?

Now I'm writing about my own experiences. It may not be other’s point of view, and that's fine. If I could, I'd just miss out on the pain, that I hit myself here and there, the frame, the fork, the peg, the wheel, the handlebar, the brake arm, the stem. You would not believe how variedly and unexpectedly can one hit oneself while riding BMX Flatland. Fortunately for me these mean mostly discomfort rather than serious injuries.

BMX Flatland tricks have strange names. The picture shows "backyard glide", 
presented by Gergely Takács (me of course) at Szeged Extreme Games, Hungary 2008.05.12.

I loved all my St. Martin BMX Flatland frames. This yellow one was my first pro BMX frame with mostly St. Martin parts.
I entered a few competitions in my country, Hungary. At Szeged Extreme Games there was a great vibe, MC and audience.

You get hurt a lot of times when you train. Especially as a beginner, when it is frustrating that one can not pull the tricks, it's good if one does not embitter life with the bruises and scars from bumping into the bike all the time. Many of them might soon quit this way, but Flatland is not for everyone. This extreme bike sport is for persistent people, just like MLM business. It may be confusing as a novice BMX-er, but even in other sports as well that some jerks might quip (with me this very rarely happened) even those who have nothing to do with BMX or even with other sports. As a beginner one can feel awkward that he or she does not know many tricks, though it's totally natural. and others watch him or her practise and fail and fall a lot, but anyway, how good it would be to pull a trick when others see it. This is not always the case either, although I am not interested in this part either. It's good whenI succeed in pulling a trick, and others see it because it motivates me on some level, but I have never ridden a bicycle to please others or audiences. I started in some competitions, but I do not like demonstrations/presentations in no areas. To make this more plain and simple: neither in BMX Flatland nor in DXN business. I am in the very lucky situation that in DXN coffee MLM is not compulsory to give product presentations at home inviting friends or anywhere. Basically, this is a completely obligation-free business where they do not set requirements but offer opportunities. I have my personal freedom, so I build my business the way I like.

Facts about the DXN Healthy Coffee Network Marketing Business:

BMX Flatland cycling sport and 
the ’hated-by-everyone’ MLM business

It is absolutely true, that while the word sport has a positive tone, the same can not be said about MLM. Hooliganism, abuse, doping, fraud, bundle can also be considered in connection with sports, but all these are dwarfed by the enormous amount of distaste against Multi-level Marketing profession. Hate and prejudice against MLM is often not based on personal experience, but on the negative experience of an acquaintance or aquintance of an acquaintance who has lost money in MLM or has not succeeded in doing such a business attempt.

How can one mention on a same page 
– or under a "Coffeeking" baseball cap - 
extreme sports and networking?

Obviously it is as clear as day that if someone who rides BMX and deals with MLM business is already a common point. For this I am a living and flourishing example. :)

What does BMX Flatland mean?

In addition to the fact that both BMX Flatland and Multi-level Marketing / Network Marketing can of course be translated into Hungarian, there is more to this behind the scenes. BMX Flatland means "Bicycle Motocross", in which "Cross" is replaced by an X, which in my opinion cna also stand for extreme (unusual) sport. Flatland here means a flat ground. I think it is important to emphasize the importance of the flatness and smoothness of the soil, which can be asphalt, concrete, marble, parquet, OSB or tiles, because perfomring the tricks. which are difficult to do anyway, on a rough, cracked, bumpy surface would be a very a laboured self-torture, not to mention that tires also get worn easier on a rough surface. To better understand: I think most people have experienced or can imagine how bad, unfunny and difficult would it be to play basketball or football on a potholed football field, uneven concrete or bad parquet.

Crackpacker BMX Flatland trick.

Gergely Takács, Summer Gypsy Games – Ajka, Hungary, 2007.

BMX Flatland can make me sweat for sure, especially at 30 degrees Centigrade. Outdoor BMX Flatland contests usually start at 10 A,M., which is not a bit ideal for me. I prefer riding early at dawn when it is still cool.

What the heck is really this not-trendy-at-all MLM business?

MLM is the abbreviation of Multi-level Marketing, which means sales or selling on multiple levels. The word ’sales’ and ’selling’ is important: the true, legitimate MLM business has a product or service that meets a real consumer demand. It is also called network marketing, networking, because products are sold through a consumer network, through word-to-mouth advertising, although it is a little weird to write this down in today’s internet-dominated world. But in the end, people offer things that they see on the Internet to each other, either through linking or verbally. 

One of my favorite sayings is what I think is true for both Network Marketing and Sports, including the apple of my eye, BMX Flatland:

"First they laugh at you, then they recognize you. The time elapsed between these two is called persistance." 

I changed this to:

"First they laugh at you, then they recognize you. The time elapsed between these two is not called persistance, it is called drinkning coffee by us."

First they laugh at you, then they recognize you. The time elapsed between these two is called persistance. Well, I'd rather say: 'drinking coffee', here in DXN Ganoderma coffee business. :)
Patience and consistent work will be rewarded in DXN Ganoderma coffee MLM business